How the European Digital Markets Act Affects Your Business with Google Marketing Platform

Janus de Visser


15 November 2023

12 minutes reading time

Digital platforms hold immense power and the European Digital Markets Act (DMA) is a significant regulatory development, particularly impacting digital ‘gatekeepers’ like Google and companies that leverage services like the Google Marketing Platform. This blog is aiming to demystify the implications of the DMA and guide you through essential steps to remain compliant and efficient.


Understanding the DMA’s Impact on Businesses

The DMA, a landmark regulation by the European Union, seeks to ensure fair competition and transparency in the digital market. It primarily targets ‘gatekeepers’ – large tech firms like Google, Microsoft, Meta, Amazon, etc. – imposing rules to prevent unfair practices. However, its ripple effects extend to businesses using these platforms.

The DMA essentially redefines the rules of engagement between businesses and these digital gatekeepers. Companies that rely heavily on such platforms for advertising, data analytics, or market reach must now adjust to meet the demands of the gatekeepers and the DMA. The DMA indirectly shapes data handling, advertising strategies, and customer engagement for these companies.


Google’s Response with Consent Mode

In response to the DMA, Google has updated the functionality of ‘Consent Mode’ within its marketing platform, a change that is crucial for businesses using Google’s tools. Consent Mode, which will soon become a mandatory feature for many measurement and audience functionalities in the Google Marketing Platform, allows businesses to adjust how Google tags operate based on user consent. This feature not only ensures compliance with user consent preferences but also communicates these choices back to Google, enabling the platform to adhere to these preferences in data handling.

Further emphasizing the need for robust consent management, similar requirements are now extending to features like Customer Match in GMP. Customer Match, which allows businesses to target ads based on customer data, will also require integration with consent status. This development underscores the increasing necessity for businesses to have their consent management systems well-aligned with these new regulations.

Are you unsure about your consent management and current compliance setup? Please feel free to contact us to take a look. At the moment we offer a free first step to audit your setup with a comprehensive cookie scan.


Actionable To-Dos for Implementing Google Consent Mode

For analysts, marketers, and their managers, implementing Google Consent Mode is now a priority. Here’s a pragmatic approach to doing so:

  1. Understand Consent Mode: Familiarize yourself with what Consent Mode is and how it affects data collection and processing. The basic implementation of Consent Mode becomes mandatory, the advanced version is optional.
  2. Audit your current setup: Review your existing Google Marketing Platform setup. Identify where and how user data is collected.
  3. Implement technical changes: Work with your data team and service provider to implement the necessary technical changes for consent mode.
  4. Educate your team: Ensure that everyone involved understands the importance of consent mode, how it impacts your data practices, and how to keep it running during future implementation changes.
  5. Monitor and adjust: Once implemented, regularly review the performance and compliance status of your digital tools.


Forecast for Next Year and Beyond

As we look to the future, expect that other parties, besides Google, will also require consent data from users to comply with the DMA. This shift will likely prompt a broader change in the digital advertising landscape, emphasizing user privacy and data protection. Businesses should prepare for an environment where transparent data practices are not just legally required but also a cornerstone of customer trust and corporate responsibility.



The European Digital Markets Act is more than a regulatory change; it’s a signal of the evolving digital landscape where user privacy and fair competition are paramount. For businesses using platforms like the Google Marketing Platform, adapting to these changes through tools like Google’s consent mode is essential. By understanding and implementing these new requirements, businesses can ensure compliance while maintaining their digital marketing effectiveness.


References and Further Reading


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